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Three Things Black Dads Can Be - Right Now!

I truly believe there is nothing more powerful than a black dad. It does not matter where you are in life, you are powerful beyond measure. All you must do is to receive that power and act upon it. That action, however, begins as a thought; it is birthed in the mental plane of existence. If you do not believe you are powerful, you will not experience power.

Our mental wellness is gathered and scattered by our experience with fatherhood.

Each day in the physical dimension is a checked with obstacles: we must work, deal with our spouses or co-parents, homework with the kids, the demands of extracurricular activities, community involvement etc. Often, we seem pulled in different directions all at once.

Therefore, mentally, each day we must tap into our greatness.

If you are going to achieve your destiny in life as a father, if you are going to rise above mediocrity and pursue excellence, then you must escalate your consciousness – you can be what you will to be!

"Beloved, now we are children of God; and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be, but we know that when He is revealed, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is.”

1 John 3:2

This is the necessary mind-set for empowered dads. This affirmation mind-set allows you to see what you can be and what you can accomplish.

Memorize these three powerful ‘Can Be’ affirmations for daily living! These three things you can be - right now!

I Can Be Powerful not pitiful:

How many dads have you heard say, “She won’t let me see my kids!”? How many dads hang their heads and shovel their feet because they are short on faith and long on doubt?

Affirmation-minded dads do not languish in pity parties. Pastor Joel O’Steen of the Lakewood Church in Houston said it best: You can be pitiful or powerful – but you cannot be both! The man who operates by the affirmation mind-set is intimately acquainted with their power. The reason they’re so acquainted is they are connected to the Power Source. This brother knows that there is no force on earth that can separate him from the love of his children – unless he allows it so!

I Can Be Resourceful not resentful:

Maxwell Maltz writes, Some days, the most resourceful individual will taste defeat. Sometimes the ends fall short and becomes in short in supply; often, our change acts strange and our money is funny. Yet, the dad who can be what he wills to be sees the end of one thing as the beginning of something bigger and better. He knows that if life throws him a lemon – he must not become resentful – he must take that lemon and make lemonade.

An affirmation-minded dad does not allow the word ‘can’t’ into their vocabulary; they know that if one door closes – another one’s got to be open somewhere. And it does!

I Can Be Faithful not fearful:

What does the typical dad fear? Some fear not having enough money; others fear dealing with a bitter co-parent and still others may fear a summons to appear in court.

A dad with an affirmation mind-set, however, purposely walks toward their fear and that resoluteness springs from their faith – in themselves and in a Higher Power. This is he whom Maria Montessori describes as the man who is faithful to his own word, his own convictions, and his own affections.

In fact, they know that their lives and the lives of their children are inextricably linked to a belief in himself and in God. They intuitively understand that their life has been marked for greatness and move faithfully toward its completion – regardless of the obstacles which lay ahead.

Today, embrace and exude peace, harmony and goodwill that are rightfully yours!

Pastor W. Eric Croomes is an author, coach and faith influencer.

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