aptly describes the potent role of fear in the everyday life of the believer.
Remember the reaction of the disciples when while on the boat with Christ the storms came and rocked the boat? Jesus probes them: "Why are you afraid?"
Same question for us as we approach a new year new level? Why are we afraid? More so, why are we afraid when we have professed Christ as our Lord and Savior (He's in the storms with us after all!)? We are afraid because we have been conditioned to fear. Push back!
When we agree with God:
we do not desire good health because we FEAR bad health
we do not desire financial independence because we FEAR being broke
we do not desire love and relationship because we FEAR being alone.
We desire those things because, in Christ, they are already ours. Are these human emotions? No doubt. But again, in Christ, believers have a hope that unbelievers do not possess. Believe it. Receive it.
Here are five sources of FEAR we grapple with each day:
One: Bad Experiences. We experience heartbreak, letdown, setbacks etc. and now we fear it.
Two: Bad Thinking. As a result of bad experiences, we develop bad thinking.
Three: Bad Advice. As a result of bad thinking, we seek counsel from those closest to us and the results? You guessed it!
Four: Bad Theology: The bad advice is accompanied with Scripture and (gasp!) reinforced by members of clergy.
Five: Bad vision. Spiritual vision, that is. No surprise that at the end of this chain of 'bad', we are left with a hazy and fear-infested philosophy of living that minimizes our power as believers and maximizes paralysis!
What to do? As the new year approaches, reflect, renew and reset on the above Scripture. God has not given us this! He has equipped us with opposite of fear: power, love and a sound mind.
Coming soon: 31 Day Agreement Your New Season New Level!
I needed this today. Thank you Pastor Croomes.