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Five Dimensions For a Rule of Life

Writer's picture: Pastor W. Eric CroomesPastor W. Eric Croomes

Dear friend, I pray that all may go well with you and that you may be in good health, as it goes well with your soul.

3 John 1:2 ESV

A ruler is a straight metal or wooden strip used to draw a straight line or to measure distances. In the same way, God’s word acts as a “rule” for living or as a ‘rule of life’. In Matthew 7:14, Christ says, “Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leads to life, and few there be that find it…”.

God’s word mediates a rule of life. It serves as a compass for navigating the events and experiences in life that can potentially lead to dysfunctional behavior and disastrous consequences. Remember, Paul reminds young Timothy at the end of 4:16 that commitment to correct doctrine (teaching) would “save himself and others”. Since the Greek word here does not point to salvation in a soteriological sense, it can only mean saving one from bad consequences stemming from bad choices.

The believer, then, to affect a victorious level of living in a fast-paced, secular-minded, belief-challenged world full of constant change, challenge and complexity, must rely upon God’s word to guard against believer fatigue – the tendency to lose hope and give up on the faith. It's not what's happening around you. It's what's happening within you.

Briefly, the believer must “watch” his or her life and apply correct teaching in the following spheres:

1.Soul Care

  • Noticing patterns of sin, expunging gripes and grudges, countering toxic emotions.

2.Spiritual Growth

  • Instituting spiritual disciplines and consistently adhering to daily bible-study and reflection, prayer, solitude, fellowship and worship.

3.Mental Well-Being

  • Caring for and observing our mental framework at any given moment of change and proactively creating positive outcomes.

4.Intellectual Vibrancy

  • Expanding our God-given intellectual talents and creativity.

5.Physical Health

  • Creating movement in our physical environment twenty minutes a day and experiencing how our bodies instinctively and divinely reward us by releasing “feel good” endorphins.

Watch Your Life Five-Part Bible-Study Series. It's not what's happening around you. It's what's happening within you.

Pastor C

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