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Back to School or Back to the Future?: A Challenge to Young Scholars.

Writer's picture: Pastor W. Eric CroomesPastor W. Eric Croomes

This is an important question for scholars. It’s an important question for three reasons:

One, too many of our scholars believe they cannot succeed but are born for mediocrity, and have subscribed to the pathology of low expectations. We know this because this belief system shows up in attitude, in poor grades and in conduct.

Two, too many of scholars have given up on their dreams and feel they don’t have the ability to compete on an academic or social level. Three out of four teenage girls feel depressed after looking at a fashion magazine for only 3 minutes, according to a study.

Third, too many of our scholars have fallen victim to peer, parental and personal pressure – your friends mislead you, your parents mistrust you and you have mislabeled yourself as unable to achieve.

So I really want my scholars to do some soul-searching today. Ask yourself:

Am I going back to school or am I going back to my future?

My goal today is to assist you in answering that very important question. I am here to help you make an investment in your future.

Back to school means business as usual; back to mediocrity, back to hanging with the same unmotivated group of kids; back to excuses, back to the same efforts with the same or worse results.

Back to the future is who you are and whose you are in Christ: it is your A-game, your determination to let last year’s academic performance be a steppingstone for greater accomplishment; to turn that C into a B and that B into an A. It means you are no longer hanging around losers and clowns. It means becoming a possibility thinker. It means walking 25% faster than your peer group members because you’ve got an appointment with your destiny. It means not accepting ‘normal’ because normal sucks!

If you are interested in going to back to the future, do these three things:

1. Invest in excellence and set yourself a goal an aim. What are you shooting for? What is your ultimate dream? What do you want? If the sky is the limit, then your aim is to low!

Most people fail in life not because they aim too high and miss, but because they aim too low and hit. –Les Brown

2. Be a go-getter and not a grave-digger. Not only does a grave-digger arrange the chairs at the funeral, assists with the setup for funeral but a grave-digger starts digging at the top but ends up at the bottom!

3. Understand you were born to soar. Recall the parable of the baby chicken that roamed the grounds acting like a chicken, walking like a chicken and conducting himself like a chicken, until one day it looked up into the sky and saw an eagle. He saw the eagle’s wing span and began to look at his own developing wings. The chicken saw the eagle’s width and girth, the eagle’s majestic ability to soar in the sky. That chicken was actually a baby eagle that, through some sleight of fate, had ended up in a chicken coop. That baby eagle saw his true self in the sky.

Remember, you are the sum total of your five closest associates. Birds of a feather do indeed flock together. Don’t hang around the chickens who are too afraid to soar.

You have neither the time nor the luxury to feel sorry for yourself. Get up, straighten your shoulders and make something out of nothing. You were born to soar!

Make a decision right now. Begin your future right now! Do not wait for opportunity to create you, create your opportunities! You will become what you think about. Are you thinking success? Then you will become success. Are you thinking achievement? Then you will achieve.

Make up in your mind right now and today that you will regurgitate failure as success, that you will learn from your mistakes and that, whatever happened last year, this is a new day for you and that you will aim for the heavens!

For in Christ, you can do all things, which is your strength! (Philippians 4:13)

Download your back to school In Christ Personal Mission Statement today at:

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