What are the attributes of a dad who is blessed and highly favored? What does he look like? How does he feel about himself? How does he conduct himself as a dad? Most of all, how does this dad respond to the cultural half-truths about him.
We can safely and confidently say that – in spite of all of the mythology and lies surrounding him – the man who knows he is a blessed and highly favored dad is a man who is ultimately victorious in his pursuit of fatherhood. He is valued and needed; he is a pillar of our community.
This standing in the community means that the blessed and highly favored dad will succeed against all odds against him. This dad is the man cited in a December 2013 CDC report which found “black fathers were the most involved with their children daily, on a number of measures, of any other group of fathers…and that was among fathers who didn’t live with their children, as well as those who did.”
Whatever pathologies exist among our ranks, there are those among us that value the time with our children from a place of love, honor and duty. Although life “ain’t been no crystal stair”, we are the better for our commitment.
Here are three principles which guide the blessed and highly favored dad.
He May Not Have the Best to Give but He Always Gives His Best
The blessed and highly favored dad does not count nor care about his material standing; he does not judge himself by the metrics of culture. This did sees what he has and attempts to use it to the max. In short, he uses what he’s got! And what he’s got becomes more in the execution of his duty.
As the biblical unction in Proverbs demonstrates:
“Trust in the Lord and do good…”
Psalms 37:3
The “good” that the blessed and highly favored dad executes is extended to his children, no matter the size of his income; he finds ways to bring good to them and everyone he meets.
He Understands His Child’s Ultra Need
There are many things a child needs and that a dad should fulfill. A child needs a home, a child needs food and water; a child needs clothes on their backs. Those are the intrinsic rights every child on this planet should enjoy. Yet there is also an ‘ultra’ need that every child should experience and that need is love.
Children need to feel it, see it, and experience it daily. A blessed and highly favored dad intuitively understands and takes it as his mission to supply both of these needs to the best of his ability.
This wisdom is obtained from his relationship with a power greater than himself and because of this he is made whole and distills this virtue to his children.
“For he who finds me finds life and obtains favor from the Lord.”
Proverbs 8:35
He Declares His Power in the Face of Adversity
The blessed and highly favored dad declares his power in the face of unrelenting adversity. He adopts the mantra: I declare that I am full of strength, determination and wisdom. These words cause him to instantly right himself if he has hitherto faced opposition with a bent back.
This man connects with the powerful Psalm:
“For you are the glory of their strength, and by Your favor our horn is exalted.”
Psalms 89:17
No matter the circumstances, we rise from it, learn from it and spread our wings as conquerors.
The blessed and highly favored dad is a powerful man.
Download The Psalm One Man: Affirmations by Pastor W. Eric Croomes:
And visit Pastor Croomes at: www.pastorwericcroomes.com