We can't see the new because we are paralyzed by the past. In fact, the past, when compared to the present, seems enticing. So, when the "new" arrives, it does not inspire much hope. My former mentor and pastor, Dr. Zan W. Holmes, used to always say we've become "comfortable in our oppression."
A season of renewal is upon us, but in just a few days, this newness will wear off. That is unless we experience the "new" thing God is doing, the thing that is springing forth right before our eyes and right smack in the middle of our personal history. (Isaiah 43:19)
Our natural eyes do allow for the supernatural work being wrought, therefore denying us the ability to walk afresh with purpose and intention. Without purpose and intention, we slink back into encrusted ideas of who we were supposed to be and what we were supposed to have accomplished. Those negative ideas confront us via people, experiences and attitudes.
We can't see the new because we are paralyzed by the past.
So in order for us to experience God's fresh mercies for a new season new level, we must develop a bad memory. We must forget both successes and failures. We must develop a type of amnesia about the past that ushers in a radical understanding of what God is doing now.
If we are to genuinely experience the cutting edge thing God is doing in this season and level, we must - as my former professor, the late Dr. John D. Mangram, would implore - treat both success and failure for what they are.
Preorder my new e-book devotional 31 Day Agreement: Your New Season New Level at www.pastorwericcroomes.com